

Episode 1

22. January 2021

When an Internet browser has to make you angry in order for you to realise that you are actually tired.

Self-help, Stress

The one thing that is keeping you from achieving whatever you want.

3. January 2021

Wasn’t 2020 the best year to change? What better reason to set your priorities straight than the year the world pandemic started?

What did you resolve to start doing last year? Did you start sourdough baking? Did you start meditating? Did you start your own business? Did you start valuing your health more? Did you go for all your annual checkups? Did you exercise more? Did you take up yoga? Did you start reading more? Did you call your family and friends more? Did you learn a new IT skill? Did it last until 2021? Are you able to continue doing to what you set your mind to?

If yes, good for you.

If not, I hear you. Do you wonder why it is not working out for you? Do you wonder why some people succeed and you do not? Do you wonder what they do differently than you?

The answer might surprise you. The answer is actually super easy. It is all in perception. Whaaat?

It is all in perception. It is how we perceive change. Do you say you MUST change your diet? Do you say you MUST exercise? Do you say you MUST engage more on social media if you want to build a successful business? Do you say you MUST meditate to calm down? Notice the pattern. It is soooo difficult to change when the change is forced. It is soooo difficult to change if we HAVE TO restrain ourselves.

What if, just for the sake of an argument, before you decide you MUST change, you actually stopped for a moment and thought about what it was that you really wanted.

Let me give you an example: People say you MUST meditate to calm down. So when people say it, it must be true. You start and you realize that your thoughts are running like crazy and you can’t seem to get ahold of them. People say when your thoughts start running, just start over. So you start over and over again and it is just not working. Now you start thinking why meditation isn’t working for you. How come everyone does it and you can’t seem to grasp the idea?

If you stopped for a moment and inquired what it is that you really want, you might actually find out that meditation may not be for you at the moment. You actually calm down much more when you go out for a run.

Let me give you another example: You realize that you are an emotional eater. You MUST change your habit otherwise you will never face your true issues and on top of that you may end up fat. Just thinking about changing this habit is making you anxious.

If you stopped for a moment and inquired what it is that makes you actually want to reach for that extra cookie or go to a fast food restaurant, you may realize what your true issue is. You may find out that you usually eat when you’re stressed out from work deadlines and you feel you’re behind.

Let me give you one more example: You want to stop smoking. You MUST stop smoking. It is just bad for you. You are having a really hard time because some members of your family smoke, some of your friends smoke, some of your colleagues smoke. When you are stressed, you just go for that cigarette.

If you stopped for a moment and inquired what it is that is actually making you go for that cigarette, you may find out that it is just a social addiction and you actually don’t like the taste of cigarettes.

It is all about perception. It is all about how you perceive your truth about the particular habit. When you look deep down, you may find out the actual reason why something is not for you at the moment, or why something isn’t working out for you.

I know, easier said than done. BUT practice makes perfect J The more you are mindful of everything you do, do more you do it, the easier it gets.

Dr. Jud Brewer’s research inspired me to write this article.

Main courses, Recipes, Snacks


3. May 2016

I am certainly the last person to be stating that this is the best pizza recipe. I’m still perfecting it. It is a pizza that we like. It is a pizza that I will share the recipe for.
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About me

Hello world!

26. April 2016

My journey to health. This is my first post ever posting about myself something that I consider private. I hope that posts in this section will prove that I’m really who I claim to be and that my journey to health will be inspiration to others.

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Recipes, Snacks

Sundried tomato paste

19. April 2016

This is a recipe that I discovered many years ago. At first my favourite sundried tomato paste was with ricotta. But my husband is lactose-intolerant and I had to look for a substitute. And this is it! You’ll enjoy it, I’m sure of it.

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Recipes, Snacks

Raw Cacao Bites

26. March 2016

I  wanted a quick, chocolatey and rich dessert after dinner. You wouldn’t believe how easily these can be made and how delicious they are. Try them out!

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Recipes, Soups

Vegetable soup

26. February 2016

There are thousands of ways and thousands of recipes for vegetable soups. This is one that I particularly like. Very nice also in the summer.

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Main courses, Recipes

Mixed beans stew

23. February 2016


  • 400 g mixed beans
  • 150 g sun-dried tomatoes (chopped)
  • 2 tins chopped tomatoes

  • 2 tbsp tahini (or more to taste)
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves garlic

  • freshly ground black pepper
  • cayenne
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil


  1. Soak the beans overnight or for about eight hours in water. Make sure there is enough water to last that long.
  2. Drain the beans, add fresh water in a pressure cooker, 4 leaves of bay leaf, 5 grains of black pepper and cook for 1 hour.
  3. When done, drain water and place them in a large frying pan (or a wok) where you have already done onion with garlic on coconut oil.
  4. Drain the sun-dried tomatoes (is using the ones in oil), add them to the pan along with the tins of tomatoes, tahini, cayenne pepper and pepper.
  5. Heat for a few minutes until everything is hot.
  6. Enjoy 🙂

Inspired by @Deliciously Ella

Main courses, Recipes

Roasted eggplant

16. February 2016


  • 2 big eggplants
  • 1 onion
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 400 g tomato paste
  • 1 tsp oregano

  • 2 tsp basil
  • freshly ground pepper
  • 1 tsp rice syrup
  • salt (to taste)
  • 1 can cannelini beans

  • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 1/2 tsp oregano
  • cayenne
  • salt
  • 1 cup spinach


  1. Preheat oven to 180C.
  2. Peel the eggplants into slices, put on a parchment-covered baking sheet and bake until the slices are a bit shriveled.
  3. Sauce: Cut the onion and garlic into cubes and sauté them on a pan. Add tomato paste, oregano, basil, rice syrup, black pepper and salt (if necessary). Let it cook until the sauce thickens.
  4. Filling: Put the beans, nutritional yeast, oregano, basil, cayenne, black pepper, salt and spinach in a food processor and process until smooth.
  5. Preheat oven to 180 C again.
  6. Oil a casserole dish, put a thin layer of sauce on the bottom of the dish, arrange the eggplant over the sauce, spread the filling over that. Drizzle lightly with sauce. Repeat layers. The sauce should be the top layer.
  7. Enjoy 🙂

Roasted eggplant






Inspired by @Fat Free Vegan

Recipes, Snacks

Pepper-tomato paste

9. February 2016

This paste goes amazingly with the warm spinach-artichoke dip. Just give it a try. I guarantee, you’ll enjoy it.


  • 3 kg tomatoes
  • 1 kg sweet pepper
  • 200 g whole chilli

  • 100 g sugar (of choice)
  • 100 g salt
  • 1/2 dcl vinegar

  • 2 dcl oil (of choice)
  • 5 cloves garlic


  1. Grind all the ingredients together (you may also blend them).
  2. Cook everything together until water is absorbed (approx. 2 hours).
  3. Pour into clean jars and close properly.
  4. Let it cool covered in blanket until the next day.
  5. Enjoy 🙂

Inspired by @Petronela’s